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Mario Vargas Llosa: Parables and Deceits
“Some time ago I urged a friend from Lima to read Vargas Llosa’s Historia de Mayta—clumsily entitled The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta in the English edition—so that he might give me an insider’s opinion of the book’s treatment of the Peruvian revolutionary left over the last thirty . . .” read more
Peru: Capitalist Democracy in Transition
“The writing of this article greatly benefited from discussions with numerous friends and colleagues in Peru: An¢al Quijano, Rodrigo Montoya, Orlando Plaza, Otto Flores, Helan Jaworski, José Matos Mar, Ricardo Letts, Carlos Urrut¡, Victor Villanueva, Edmundo Murragara, Alberto Grana, Jaime Giannella, Hugo Blanco, Armando Pillado, Baltazar Caravedo, Carlos . . .” read more
Presentation of Mariategui
“The admiration expressed for Mariátegui in Latin America and beyond is not matched by a real study of his writings. Since his death in 1930, many have invoked his authority though in most cases illegitimately. He has been claimed as the source of various brands of sui generis . . .” read more
The Anti-Imperialist Perspective
“To what extent can the situation of the Latin American republics be likened to that of other semi-colonial nations? Their economic position is undoubtedly semi-colonial; and as native capitalism expands and imperialist penetration grows as a consequence, the semi-colonial characteristics of their economies will be clearly emphasized. The . . .” read more