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Student Protests in Fin-de-Siecle China
“It was springtime in China and, once again, students were taking to the streets and making headlines. Some youths held aloft official flags bearing the names of their schools, while others carried banners covered with passionate phrases written out in Chinese characters or Roman letters. Campuses throughout the . . .” read more
Dismantling Apathy: The Students' Occupation at SOAS
“On 2 December the students at the School of Oriental and African Studies (soas) ended a twelve-day-long occupation of their library, when the School management accepted their demand for full and free access to the Senate House Library, the central library of the University of London. The . . .” read more
The Student Left in Japan
“The Japanese student movement has won world-wide publicity in recent years for its militancy. Repeated images have been conveyed of helmeted, stave-wielding students doing massive and heroic battle with the police, of their holding out against helicopter-borne assaults on their university strongholds, or of their hi-jacking aircraft at . . .” read more
S.F. State: History takes a leap
“No previous American university struggle has been as long, violent and bitter as the strike now being fought at San Francisco State College. None has sent shock waves through so much of the society, or created as deep a polarization. Only in American colonies and dependencies abroad, or . . .” read more
The Belgrade Student Insurrection
“The Explosion: A troop of actors was scheduled to perform free of charge on the second of June before an audience of ‘Youth-Action’ workers camped near a large complex of student dormitories in New Belgrade, a suburb of Belgrade. Student representatives had requested that the performance be held . . .” read more
The School Movement in Rome
“On the third of December 1968, forty thousand school students marched through the streets of Rome. While they went up Via Nazionale, one of the main streets of the city, the bourgeois ladies out shopping and the clerks in the offices above stared at them apprehensively.” read more
Two Tactics
“the four firsts: ‘First place must be given to man in handling the relationship between man and weapons; to political work in handling the relationship between political and other work; to ideological work in relation to routine tasks of political work; and in ideological work to the . . .” read more
The Impermanent Stronghold
“The Red Base is usually discussed in an ahistorical way, and like anything else, when subjected to such treatment, it doesn’t make much sense. In a brief outline, I hoped to place it firmly on the ground of historical process, and to point out at least one of . . .” read more
Strategy and Struggle
“leninism:Lenin’s achievement within Marxism was to found the autonomy of a revolutionary political practice which defines in each case the social content of the revolution that can be made, the corresponding revolutionary class alliance (the ‘people’) that the Party must cement at the political level, and the . . .” read more
The Prague Student Strike
“On Thursday November 21st, at noon, students of Prague and elsewhere left the premises they had been occupying for four days, or in some cases longer. This action was the focus of a nation-wide ferment of resistance to policies of collaboration with the invader. A new phase of . . .” read more
The Student Movement and the Present Political Situation
“A students’ strike has been called at St. Petersburg University. A number of other higher educational establishments have joined in. The movement has already spread to Moscow and Kharkov. Judging from all the reports in the foreign and Russian newspapers and in private letters from Russia, we are . . .” read more
“This fiftieth issue of New Left Review opens with a critique, by Perry Anderson, of the structures of bourgeois culture in Britain. The task of forging a revolutionary and internationalist political culture in this country has always been a central preoccupation of the Review. This involves attacking the . . .” read more
“This fiftieth issue of New Left Review opens with a critique, by Perry Anderson, of the structures of bourgeois culture in Britain. The task of forging a revolutionary and internationalist political culture in this country has always been a central preoccupation of the Review. This involves attacking the . . .” read more
“This fiftieth issue of New Left Review opens with a critique, by Perry Anderson, of the structures of bourgeois culture in Britain. The task of forging a revolutionary and internationalist political culture in this country has always been a central preoccupation of the Review. This involves attacking the . . .” read more
On Students
“Martin Shaw writes: Ben Brewster’s and Alexander Cockburn’s account of recent events at lse is competent and largely unobjectionable, but I should like to express strong disagreement with the article preceding it: ‘Student Power: What is to be Done?’ In particular I can only express amazement at . . .” read more
On Students
“David Adelstein writes: There are two current views held by the socialist left on the value of a radical student movement. One sees the waste of student militancy through identifying the students’ social role as essentially intellectual. If students can be encouraged to make an intellectual assault upon . . .” read more
Reply to Adelstein
“Shaw and I have both assumed that as students are intellectuals, the issues of student politics must be discussed in the context of the problem of the role of intellectuals in the socialist movement. David Adelstein squarely attacks this view, and suggests that both our position and Martin . . .” read more
Student Power: What Is to Be Done?
“Until this year, Britain, perhaps uniquely, has lacked any significant student movement. During the past 15 years sections of British students have played an active, if not predominant role in the agitation over Suez, campaigns against racism and colonialism, and, most auspiciously, cnd. But none of this . . .” read more
Revolt at the LSE
“For a week last March normal life in the London School of Economics was violently disrupted. For nine days and nights students maintained permanent occupation of the lse buildings, braving suspension, police intervention and constant obloquy from almost every newspaper, magazine, television commentator. Classes and lectures were . . .” read more
Berkeley and the New Conservative Backlash
“The University of California at Berkeley, which has been ranked as one of the foremost educational establishments in the world has recently been the scene of a prolonged and massive confrontation between the students and administration with a great majority of the faculty siding with the students. Many . . .” read more
Oxford Opinions
“two articles “reviewing” university lectures in the Oxford student magazine Isis have aroused considerable and much publicised controversy. The University Proctors (a special disciplinary body peculiar to Oxford and Cambridge) banned further lecture reviews, and the Isis editor’s indignant, but gleeful protests won a considerable sympathetic response, . . .” read more
Student Journals
“there is nothing that I know of to match the flood of university journals which have been irrigating the newstands in recent months. Undaunted by rising costs and a high death-rate, new journals with an unexpected level of seriousness and technical proficiency have continued to flow through. . . .” read more
Manchester Left Club on Youth
“the proposals for a new socialist youth organisation outlined in the Guardian of November 16 came as no surprise to those who have seen the changing mood of the Labour Party in its attitude to youth accelerated since the result of the general election. (What would have . . .” read more