Macron’s victory and Le Pen’s surge.
Can Boris Johnson cling to power?
The self-fabulations of Hervé Guibert.
On London’s transport network.
Prospects for the US electoral left.
The age of the performer-entrepreneur.
On the uprising in Sri Lanka.
Ruben Östlund’s Palme d’Or winner.
The US returns to Somalia.
Rosemary Tonks and disavowal.
Adorno and the politics of criticism.
Explaining Bongbong’s victory.
The nationalist right in Slovenia and Hungary.
The Natoization of Sweden and Finland.
Jean-Gabriel Périot and the art of montage.
The literary crusade of Halldór Laxness.
Paul Verhoven’s latest directorial provocation.
A trenchant critic of American life.
Sleepwalking towards nuclear war.
Entering the neofeudal era.
On Canada’s rightward turn.
The politics of imperial reconstruction.
The political life of Aijaz Ahmad (1941-2022).
Remembering Aijaz Ahmad (1941-2022).
Britain’s plan for asylum seekers.
Joseph Andras’s portraits of struggle.
Mélenchon and the future of the French left.
On Bola Tinubu.
Animals and humans in the art of Francis Bacon.
The latest work by Sheila Heti.
The ousting of Imran Khan.
Tensions in Joan Micklin Silver’s cinema.
On Hungary’s election.
Fernanda Melchor’s portraits of national decay.
Bedros Yeretzian at Commercial Street gallery.
The American left and the war in Ukraine.
Will Russia’s invasion fracture the world-system?
The lapsed miniaturism of Alejandro Zambra.
The drift of Tory economic policy.
Ukraine and the Western media.
Commitment in the art of Peter de Francia.
Contradictions of antifujimorismo.
Dynamics of the Russian political economy.
Kay Dick’s rediscovered dystopia.
Does hegemony require a grand design?
Neither US vassal nor world power.
Routes out of the Ukraine crisis.
On Michel Houellebecq.
Alana Hunt’s chronicles of Kashmiri occupation.
Putin’s invasion revitalizes NATO.