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The Balance Sheet of the Left
“In nlr 194, Göran Therborn, adopting a broad historical-comparative perspective, tried to draw up an overall balance sheet of the achievements and failings of the Left. One of his major arguments was that the crisis of both the social-democratic and the Communist Left was more conjunctural than . . .” read more
Marxism or Post-Marxism?
“Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s Hegemony and Socialist Strategy and Norman Geras’s lengthy review article (‘Post-Marxism’, nlr 163) raise issues which are at the heart of the ongoing debate on the stature and prospects of contemporary Marxist theory. Laclau and Mouffe’s major thesis is that the core . . .” read more
Ideology and Class Politics: A Critique of Ernesto Laclau
“Ernesto Laclau’s Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory contains four interconnected, but relatively self-contained essays. Two of these had already been published, indeed had been quite influential. Laclau’s critique of Gunder Frank’s theory of underdevelopment, and especially of his definition of capitalism in market rather than production terms, . . .” read more
The Greek Elections and the Rise of PASOK
“The Greek general election of November 1977 has not only brought profound changes in the political map of Greece, it has also resulted in a configuration of political forces which is unique in the context of European politics. For Greece itself, the exceptional significance of the elections lies . . .” read more
Capitalism and Dictatorship in Post-War Greece
“The seven year rule of the Greek Junta, from 1967 to 1974, has attracted much attention but little satisfactory analysis. It has been used as the basis for case studies of imperialism, cia conspiracy or third world development. But the specificity of the Greek social formation and . . .” read more