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The Cypriot Labyrinth
“The communal fighting which broke out between Greek and Turkish Cypriots on December 21st, 1963, seems, at the moment of writing, to have reached a stalemate. Of the 104,000 Turks, some 60,000 are crowded, either into their own quarter of Nicosia, or in the strip of land running . . .” read more
The Myths of Counter-Insurgency
“More myths and fantasies seem to have arisen in regard to guerrilla warfare than about any other aspect of contemporary history. For many revolutionaries it has assumed a positively romantic aura, particularly since the bearded ones of the 26th of July Movement swept with dash and verve out . . .” read more
“The demand for an increase in the manpower and equipment of Western conventional forces in the European sector is now strong. Macnamara has been demanding that all nato countries should increase their conventional contribution in order to raise the nuclear threshold and provide the basis for a . . .” read more
Cut Off from the Sun
“Kennedy came into office denouncing the missile gap. The only gap turned out to be that between the bogies created by Kennedy’s campaign team and reality. It was quickly realised that America had, and would retain in any forseeable future, an overwhelming superiority in nuclear strike power.” read more
The Last Quarter of an Hour
“Peace, it seems, is coming in Algeria. But with it, one may fear, a frightful showdown between the French civilian and military extremists and the French government—which, in turn, may make the actual implementation of peace more difficult. And it isn’t even a clear showdown, with clean lines . . .” read more
Editorial on CND
“Perhaps the only lesson to be learned from four years of campaigning for Nuclear Disarmament is that there is no simple way in which a political campaign can calculate its effect upon people and Governments. It eludes all the fixed categories of "politics". From the Central Hall meeting . . .” read more
Against Which Bomb?
“modern weaponry advances faster than any other branch of technology. Already the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki have joined the pike and the catapult as military museum pieces. But the advance (if one may so describe it) has not been entirely, or even mainly, in the . . .” read more
Countermarching to Armageddon
“long before the custard-pies started to fly around at the Summit, the preparations for the Countermarch were well in hand. The 100,000 Easter demonstrators had scarcely drifted away from Trafalgar Square before the Top People’s CND (Committee for Natopolitan Defence) was in session, getting everything ready for . . .” read more
CND after the Elections
“it is a new situation for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. The General Election marked the end of the Campaign’s first phase of life, and further meaningful existence depends considerably on whether the new situation is recognised as such. In less than two years the emphasis in . . .” read more