Tosaka and Trump.
Éric Hazan (1936-2024).
Imaginaries of the far right.
France versus America.
On W.E.B. Du Bois.
Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie (1929-2023).
Arno Mayer (1926-2023).
Antonio Negri (1933-2023).
The politics of freedom of speech.
Diagnosing moralism.
Mario Tronti (1931-2023).
Reflections on post-communism.
Thoughts on ‘A Feminist Style’.
Womanhood, suffering, writing?
Questions of style.
The ideologization of war.
On theories of history.
Ranajit Guha (1923-2023).
G.M. Tamás (1948-2023).
On Judith Butler’s pandemic phenomenology.
Fascism at 100.
Correlli Barnett’s Britain.
On Raymond Geuss.
In the Women’s Library.
Understanding the neoliberal-populist.
Adorno and the politics of criticism.
The political life of Aijaz Ahmad (1941-2022).
Remembering Aijaz Ahmad (1941-2022).
On Lea Ypi’s ‘Free’.
Comparing antiquities.
Sylvère Lotringer (1938-2021).
Charles Mills (1951-2021).
Nazi roots of the neoliberal state.
The dynamics of ‘decolonizing’.
Jean-Luc Nancy (1940-2021).
The chronicler of Operaismo.
Understanding the new Copernicans.
Is analytic philosophy inherently reactionary?
Strategies of statistical rhetoric.
J. Hillis Miller (1928-2021).
Marshall Sahlins (1930-2021).