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The Battle for Chile’s Constitution
Following Chile’s resounding vote to reject the Pinochet-era constitution, the struggle to draft a replacement has split along popular and official lines. Legal theorist Camila Vergara describes how the autonomous energies of the neighbourhood cabildos have been pitted against the conservatism of the ruling bloc.
Chile, A Quarter of a Century on
“A quarter of a century has passed since the Chilean President Salvador Allende was overthrown and died a violent death, while still remaining loyal to his people and his country to the end. A us-supported military coup put an end to the revolutionary period that crowned a . . .” read more
The Chilean Pension Fund Associations
“Chile’s system of privately managed pension funds, which has now grown to quite impressive global proportions, appears to be a technically astute—if not, of course, socially neutral—solution to the far-reaching crisis of state pensions. The man who originally devised it, José ‘Pepe’ Piñera, is the foremost of the . . .” read more
The New Class Basis of Chilean Politics
“In the plebiscite held in Chile in October 1988, the attention of the international press focused overwhelmingly on the exposed position of the ageing head of the dictatorship, Augusto Pinochet. For the new power bloc, however, comprising the armed forces, the capitalist class, bankers and technocrats, the primary . . .” read more
Two Years of Popular Unity in Chile: A Balance Sheet
“The Allende government, representing the Unidad Popular coalition in Chile, has now been in office for over two years. It is time enough to make an assessment of it. The stated goals of the up were to end the monopoly structure of the Chilean economy, break Chilean . . .” read more
“Four years have gone by since the Christian Democrat régime of Eduardo Frei took power in Chile. In every election since, the voters, especially the urban workers and the rural peasantry, those most concerned with basic social reforms, have expressed their disapproval of Frei’s policies. In the municipal . . .” read more