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Aporias of Modern Aesthetics
“A garden gnome is no longer a garden gnome. This is the dilemma facing contemporary art, that is circumscribed by the unhappy concept of post-modernity. Up until a certain moment (let us take 1969, the year of Adorno’s death, as a marker) a garden gnome was still a . . .” read more
Reification and the Sociological Critique of Consciousness
“Sociological theories may be grouped around two poles. The first presents us with a view of society as a network of human meanings as embodiments of human activity. The second, on the other hand, presents us with society conceived of as a thing-like facticity, standing over against . . .” read more
Response to Brewster
“It is gratifying to receive comment on one’s ideas as thoughtful and sympathetic as this. Responding to it is but a way of expressing appreciation. Before I do this, however, I must emphasize that I speak for myself only and not also for the co-author of the article, . . .” read more