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Shaping Ends: Reflections on Fukuyama
“Francis Fukuyama’s The End of History and the Last Man has been widely regarded as a celebration of the triumph of the West. Its message, on the accepted view, is that, with victory in the Cold War and the death of Communism, the Western way of life has . . .” read more
Marx and Justice Again
“Norman Geras’s essay ‘The Controversy about Marx and Justice’ is an authoritative guide to recent debates in the area indicated by its title. Analytically rigorous and wholly assured in its use of both original and secondary sources, it is in its way a definitive achievement. No one will . . .” read more
The True Realm of Freedom: Marxist Philosophy after Communism
“This article is an attempt to consider the implications for Marxist philosophy of the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. It would be well to start by saying what Marxist philosophy is taken to be here. A convenient map of the field is provided . . .” read more
For and Against Althusser
“Gregory Elliott’s book appears at a time when the reputation of its subject seems near to total eclipse. In Althusser’s own country he is, as Elliott reports, practically a ‘dead dog’, buried beneath ‘the settled anti-Marxist consensus among the majority of the French intelligentsia’. In Britain he is . . .” read more