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The North Korean Enigma
“North Korea, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (dprk), is an isolated enigma in Northeast Asia. No state in the world lives with such a wide gap between its own self-image and self-presentation as a socialist ‘paradise on earth’ and the view of most of the rest . . .” read more
Capitalism and Socialism in East Asia
“Since 1945 East Asia has been the centre of the world struggle between capitalism and socialism. On the one hand, five victorious revolutions against capitalism have seized and retained state power in all or a substantial part of a national territory. On the other hand, and contrary to . . .” read more
Communication on Women’s Liberation
“In discussion of the two replies to Wally Seccombe’s article on domestic labour under capitalism, it is stated in the Themes of nlr 89: ‘Jean Gardiner, writing from a “Marxist feminist” position, criticizes it, among other things, for denying “any validity in their own right to the . . .” read more
Hong Kong: Britain’s Chinese Colony
“There are 300,000 hard drug addicts; 80,000 triad gang members; several hundred thousand squatters; sickness and squalor all around. The post boxes are red. It is hot. The policemen wear short trousers. No doubt about it: this must be a British colony. Of the past one would think. . . .” read more
Japan and America: Antagonistic Alliance
“The ‘Nixon Shocks’ of 1971, which announced the opening of relations between the us and China and initiated a series of measures to protect the us economy, had an immense combined impact in Japan. As America’s main economic rival, Japan was the most threatened of all . . .” read more
Washington v.Tokyo: Wall Street v. Marunouchi
“In November last year the us House of Representatives passed a protectionist trade bill, by 215 to 165 votes, which was condemned inside and outside the usa as the worst of its kind since the Smoot-Hawley Bill of 1930. The bill was blocked in the Senate . . .” read more
Structural Reform in Italy--Theory and Practice
“This fiftieth issue of New Left Review opens with a critique, by Perry Anderson, of the structures of bourgeois culture in Britain. The task of forging a revolutionary and internationalist political culture in this country has always been a central preoccupation of the Review. This involves attacking the . . .” read more
Kennan’s Memoirs
“George Kennan prefaces his remarkable memoirs with an exemplary self-critical account of his background and early environment, with its attendant psychological effects. Historically and socially, George Kennan was an ‘outsider’, ill at ease in the 20th century, and ill at ease with its ideas, particularly marxism (‘something to . . .” read more
Reply to Ishiguro
“Hide Ishiguro’s apt comments are most welcome: my analysis was certainly somewhat abbreviated at many points. However I would like to defend myself against the implication that I was supporting the traditional right-wing view in Europe. The essence of the bourgeois viewpoint, in Britain at least, is to . . .” read more
Japan--Asian Capitalism
“Japan is now about to become the third industrial power in the world. It is already the second largest car producing country. In 1955 it’s gross national product was slightly less than half Britain’s. This year it will be almost 20 per cent greater. Japan is the only . . .” read more
The New Italian Socialist Party
“On January 11th, a new party was founded in Italy: the Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity (psiup). By the end of January it already had 60,000 members. The new party was inaugurated when the Italian Socialist Party (psi) entered the Moro government and its left . . .” read more