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On the Political Economy of the Socialist Transformation
“There are many questions which refuse a reassuring answer. This is no less true within socialist theory. The issue of whether socialists and Marxists should work within the Labour Party has preoccupied the British Left throughout this century. The Social Democratic Federation decided to disaffiliate in the early . . .” read more
Corporatism and Class Struggle
“Leo Panitch, in New Left Review 125, provides an interesting analysis of modern corporatism. However, he chooses to criticise a passage from a pamphlet I wrote on unemployment, and in doing this blemishes his analysis with no less than three non sequiturs. Neither the pamphlet as a whole, . . .” read more
Communication on Sraffa
“New Left Review has surely made a major contribution to the development of Marxism by publishing a thought-provoking interview with Lucio Colletti, and an important article by Bob Rowthorn, which both appeared in nlr 86 July /August 1974. These two texts together cover a variety of important . . .” read more