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A Strategy for Labour: Four Documents
“The papers reproduced in this issue of nlr were all submitted to, and rejected by, the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party. The arguments contained in them reflect some of the concerns and views of a very substantial body of opinion, not accepted by the leadership . . .” read more
Socialists and the Labour Party
“Labour’s defeat in the General Election offers a profound challenge to the Party. It clearly calls for a period of sober reflection in which a serious analysis of the results can be made. We must forge new links with those too often thought of as natural Labour supporters. . . .” read more
Conversations in Italy
“during the course of my short stay in Italy, I had the opportunity of a number of conversations with leading Italian socialists. I talked with Carlo Meara in Milan, and Giolitti in Rome. Both of them were impressed with New Left Review, and showed a great interest . . .” read more
Comment on 'Revolution' by E.P.Thompson
“in the past, the apparent basic division in the socialist movement was between those who accepted the evolutionary path, and those who advocated revolution, usually associated with a measure of violence. I use the word apparent, because, beneath the surface, the two concepts of a socialist society . . .” read more