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A Minority of One: An Interview with Norman Mailer
“I think of you as someone who’s always been in the opposition, always a dissident, not just to the wider society but even in his own circles. I remember you once saying to me that you’d refined your dissidence, you could give it a name, you were now . . .” read more
Reply to John Newsinger
“Over the past decade, I must have read yards of stuff, much of it penned by wised-up radicals, about the decay of authorship. The writer, we are often instructed, barely matters at all. His or her intentions and desires are an obstacle to a close reading or a . . .” read more
Realpolitik in the Gulf
“On the morning before Yom Kippur late this past September, I found myself standing at the western end of the White House, watching as the colour guard paraded the flag of the United States (and the republic for which it stands) along with that of the Emirate of . . .” read more
Detente and Destabilization: Report from Cyprus
“The short-lived independence of Cyprus was always a standing reproach to the capacity of the great powers to order events. When Disraeli contrived to acquire it from the Sultan of Turkey in 1878, in exchange for some very dubious guarantees against Tsarist incursion, Gladstone described the transaction as . . .” read more