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The Mythology of Affluence
“The practising economist cannot help observing that one book dominates the intelligent layman’s view of contemporary economics. That book is J. K. Galbraith’s The Affluent Society. Thanks to Professor Galbraith, it is now ‘radical’ to contend that, since the 1950’s, Western governments have sacrificed balance and stability to . . .” read more
Piero Sraffa and the Rate of Exploitation
“A casual reader who picked up Piero Sraffa’s Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities might be fascinated by the crystalline style in which it is written, but he would be puzzled to know why it is considered to be a contribution to economic theory of the first . . .” read more
Intellectual Underdevelopment
“Study of economics, as distinct from the study of political economy, is generally thought to be concerned with choice between different uses of scarce resources and the interacting results of choices that are made. Some months ago, Dudley Seers, now Director General in the Ministry of Overseas Development, . . .” read more
Industrialization and Capitalism
“The vision of industrialization and capitalism in the work of Max Weber is questionable in two respects: his view of them as the historical destiny of the West, and as the present destiny of the Germany created by Bismarck. Weber believed them to be the destiny of the . . .” read more
The Final End of Laissez Faire
“Keynes pronounced his famous discourse on the End of Laissez-faire in 1926. It has been a long time a-dying. To ‘clear from the ground the metaphysical or general principles upon which, from time to time, laissez-faire has been founded’, Keynes declared: ‘It is not a correct deduction from . . .” read more
The Conventional Wisdom of Kenneth Galbraith
“A book by Ken Galbraith is an event to arouse high expectations. He is one of the very few writers in economics capable of combining exceptionally penetrating matter with a delicious manner—a quality which is less and less in evidence as teutonic turgidity is taken for scientific soundness, . . .” read more
After Imperialism?
“Michael Barratt Brown’s After Imperialism is undoubtedly one of the most important economic works recently published in English—indeed probably the most important for socialist theory and practice. The author’s purpose is ambitious: to test Lenin’s definition of imperialism against the realities of the British Empire, from the eve . . .” read more
Contemporary Marxist Economics
“Marxist studies are taken more seriously in the French-speaking than the English-speaking world. In France there are a number of scholars who are prepared to use the methods and concepts of Marxism for investigating the development of contemporary society with intelligence, flexibility of approach and complete intellectual integrity . . .” read more
Agronomy and Society
“Historically, as well as logically, “development” precedes “underdevelopment”: the condition of the one was to a large extent the creation of the other. Whatever the importance of continental distinctions in social structure and civilization in the medieval period, it is clear that the steady expansion overseas of post-Renaissance . . .” read more
Imperialism Yesterday and Today
“as mr. macleod makes arrangements for the granting of independence to each of Britain’s African colonies, socialists and radicals are bound to try once more to take their bearings. In the past 15 years almost all of the 1,300 million people who lived in 1945 under . . .” read more