Not surprisingly, the Labour Government is trying to protect itself from the consequences of its own capitulations, by seeking to victimize the Left. Wilson’s McCarthyite intervention in the seamens’ strike was followed up by a Downing Street conference between the Prime Minister and Carron together with a coffle of other right-wing union stalwarts, to work out a common strategy to combat communism in the unions.
The Labour leaders evidently also intend to suppress the most active
After months of vain attempts to get a fair hearing of his case, which could only have led to his reinstatement, Coates has now written a documented account of the entire affair: ‘My Case against Expulsion’, available from The Week, 74 Mansfield Road, Nottingham for 2s 6d. It should be read by enough rank and file members of the Labour Party to ensure both Ken Coates’ reinstatement, and an end to witch-hunting of the kind practised by the party’s leadership.