Genghis Khan. Ralph Fox Background Books, 10s. 6d.
The Builders of the Mogul Empire. Michael Prawdin. Allen & Unwin, 32s.
There is a picture, in Prawdin’s book, of Babur, the founder of the Mogul dynasty, sprinkling the Mongolian horse-tail standards with Kumiss. He was saluting a past which was still very much with him. Fox describes how the sweep of the Mongol armies throughout Asia ‘cleared the way for an immense series of revolutions’. Mogul rule in India, inaugurated two-and-a-half centuries after Genghis Khan, was the last of the series. For, as Fox emphasizes, the Mongol achieve5ments which ‘the decaying feudalism of the East failed to profit by (and here the Mongols themselves must bear the responsibility for their own devastations) . . . gave the impulse to a